Interview with Nadia Marzouki
Episode 5
Interview with Nadia Marzouki

Dr. Nadia Marzouki is a Lecturer in Law at Yale Law School and a Research Fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. Her work examines public controversies about Islam in Europe and the United States. She is also interested in debates about religious freedom and democratization in North Africa. She is the author of Islam: An American Religion (Columbia University Press, 2017). She coedited with Olivier Roy and Duncan McDonnell, Saving the People, How Populists Hijack Religion (Oxford University Press, 2016).
In this Podcast, CEMAT Director, Dr. Laryssa Chomiak, interviews Dr. Nadia Marzouki about her recent book, as well as public debates over religion and public space in the United States, North Africa, and beyond. The recording is part of the Contemporary Thoughts discussion series and was recorded at the Centre d’Études Maghrébines à Tunis (CEMAT), on 03 October 2017, in Tunis, Tunisia.
Music performed for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast were captured live, on Avenue Bourguiba, in Tunis, Tunisia.
Suggested Readings:
Anver Emon. 2017. Islam: An American Religion and the paranoia of anti-Muslim politics.
Nadia Marzouki. 2017. Islam: An American Religion. New York: Columbia University Press.
Nadia Marzouki. 2017. Islam: An American Religion. New York: Columbia University Press.
Nadia Marzouki. 2015. "Tunisia's Rotten Compromise." Middle East Report, 10 July 2015.
Nadia Marzouki and Hamza Meddeb. 2015. "Tunisia: Democratic Miracle or Mirage?" Jadaliyya, 11 June 2015.
Nadia Marzouki and Olivier Roy, Eds. 2013. Religious conversions in the Mediterranean World. London: Palgrave/Mcmillan.