Mobility in the Euro-Med Region
Episode 19
Mobility in the Euro-Med Region

We thank Dr. Jonathan Glasser, Cultural Anthropologist at au College of William & Mary, for his istikhbar in sika on viola for the introduction and conclusion of this podcast.
Suggested Readings:
Collyer, Michael. 2016. “Geopolitics as a migration governance strategy: European Unionbilateral relations with southern Mediterranean countries.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 42(4): 606-624.
Collyer, Michael. 2012. “Migrants as strategic actors in the EU's globalapproach to migrationand mobility.” Global Networks. 12(4): 505-524.
Collyer, Michael. 2010. “Stranded migrants and the fragmented journey.” Journal of Refugee Studies. 23(3): 273-293.
Collyer, Michael. 2007. “In-between places: trans-Saharan transitmigrants in Morocco and the fragmented journey to Europe.” Antipode. 39(4): 668-690.
Collyer, Michael and Hein de Haas. 2012. “Developing Dynamic Categorisations of Transit Migration.” Population, Space and Place. 18(4): 468-48.
Collyer, Michael and Russell King. 2016. “Narrating Europe’s migrationand refugee ‘crisis'.” Human Geography: a new radical journal. 9(2): 1-12.
Collyer, Michael and Russell King. 2015. “Producing transnational space: international migration and the extra-territorial reach of state power.” Progress in Human Geography. 39(2): 185-204.
Collyer, Michael and Russel King. 2012. “Transnational space: territory, mobility and technology.” Working Paper. Malmö University, Malmö.
Collyer, Michael, Franck Düvell, and Hein de Haas. 2011. “Critical Approaches to Transit Migration.” Population, Space and Place. 18(4): 407-414.
Collyer, Michael, Maria Mancinelli, and Fabio Petito. 2017. “Humanitarian corridors: safe and legal pathways to Europe.” University of Sussex in partnership with the Community of Sant’Egidio.
Collyer, Michael, Myriam Cherti, Thomas Lacroix, and Anja van Heelsum. 2009. “Migration and Development: The Euro-Moroccan Experience.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 35(10): 1555-1570.
King, Russell, Richard Black, Michael Collyer, Anthony Fielding, and Ronald Skeldon. 2010. The Atlas of Human Migration: Global Patterns of People on the Move. Earthscan: London.
Samers, Michael and Michael Collyer. 2016. Migration. Routledge: London.
Sayed, Abdelmalek. 1999. « Immigation et "pensée d’État" ». Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales. 129: 5-14.