Making the Dinar, Producing the State in Independent Tunisia
Making the Dinar, Producing the State in Independent Tunisia

Myriam Amri is a Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology & Middle Eastern studies at Harvard University. She previously completed an MSc in anthropology & development from the London School of Economics and is the co-founder of the literary magazine "Asameena".
CEMAT Director, Dr. Laryssa Chomiak, led this interview which was recorded during the CEMAT Director’s Conference on “Narratives of Legitimacy and the Maghrebi State: Power, Law and Comparison” held on 21 June 2019 in Sidi BouSaid, Tunisia.
Suggested Readings
Althusser, Louis. 1970. "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (Notes towards an Investigation)" in Gupta, Akhil and Sharma, Aradhana. 2006. The Anthropology of the State : A Reader. Oxford : Blackwell Publishing:–98.
Coronil, Fernando. 1997. The Magical State : Nature, Money, and Modernity in Venezuela.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press.
Dodd, Nigel. 2014. The Social Life of Money. Princeton & Oxford : Princeton University Press.
Elyachar, Julia. 2005. Markets of Dispossession: NGOs, Economic Development, and the State in Cairo. Durham &London : Duke University Press.
Gregory, Christopher A. 1996. "Cowries and Conquest : Towards a Subalternate Quality Theory of Money". Society for Comparative Study of Society and History, Vol 10 : 195–217.
Hibou, Béatrice. 2015. The Force of Obedience The Political Economy of Repression In Tunisia. Cambridge : Polity Press.
Mitchell, Timothy. 1988. Colonising Egypt. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
Tsing, Anna L. 2000. "Inside the Economy of Appearances". Public Culture, 12(1) : 115–144.